
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

#1 Cart Path Drainage Project Update

In March, the maintenance crew added a new drain under the cart path on #1 to prevent flooding and ice related problems along the path.  Almost every year, ice kills a portion of this turf.  Seed was not growing fast enough for us due to our cool, wet April so we decided to sod the area to completely restore it. 

Here are some before and after pictures:
This area could still benefit from the addition of some sub-surface drain lines but the new catch basin will greatly reduce the amount of water hung up on the high side of the path.  Something tells me this will not be the last drainage project done in this area, but it is greatly improved. 

5 Tee Results

Last fall, we resurfaced the 5th tee with bentgrass.  It has been open since April, but is just now starting to really look good.  Our cool, wet April delayed its growth for a while.  Soil temperatures have now risen to a point where it is looking happy!

The new Red tee on #1 is also now open.  It takes a while to develop soil fertility and culture when starting with a sandy mix.  These new tees are undergoing the transition from seedlings to an mature turf system and are still developing root mass and a thatch layer.  Some have commented on how firm they can be when dry.  This will go away in time with aerification and normal maturation processes.