
Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Junior League Superintendent Demonstration Day

Thanks to the efforts of our golf pros and staff, we have a very popular Junior League at Sugar Creek.  Juniors are introduced to everything from putting technique to course etiquette.  This year, we added a new element to the program involving the superintendent and course maintenance. 

During a 15 minute talk, I had an opportunity to explain the basics of course maintenance, show the junior golfers the greens mower, demonstrate how to fix a ball mark, and answer questions.  I think it was as fun for them as it was for me.  It's never too early to start educating golfers about what they can do to become part of the golf course community and improve playing conditions for themselves and other golfers. 

The most commonly asked question:  "How fast does that thing go?"  I think they were a little disappointed when I said 3 miles-per-hour! 

Here's some photos of the demonstration:

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