
Sunday, February 28, 2010

Looking forward to spring

It won't be long before this:

4th Hole in February
looks like this:

4th hole in April
Or this:

1st tee in February

looks like this!

1st tee in early April

Friday, February 19, 2010

Recent Tree Removals

Unfortunately, or fortunately for some, we had to say good-bye to two old willow trees this winter.  One was located on the 1st hole near the creek, and the other was to the left of 5 green.  The removal of these trees is one of the changes golfers may notice in 2010.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Wildlife Slideshow

One of the best parts of working at a golf course is getting to see interesting wildlife every day. At Sugar Creek, we see great blue heron, white egrets, mallards, and green heron almost every day during the season. These birds especially like hanging out by the bridge between the 5th and 6th hole at sunrise and sunset. For most of the day, they hunt for fish in the pond.

Other animals like coyote, beaver, fox, and even deer are seen more rarely at sunrise. Luckily the beaver has not been seen for 3 years!

Over the past few years, I've been able to capture a decent amount of these animals on camera. There are a lot more smaller mammals and songbirds around that have so far evaded the camera. Keep your eyes open next time you play Sugar Creek. You never know what you might see!

What in the world is a blog?

The first time I heard someone use the word "blog" I remember thinking two things:
  1. "That is the most absurd, made-up word I've ever heard," and
  2. "Do we really need more slang words to describe internet stuff?"
I still think No. 1, even though the word "blog" has crept into my vocabulary with a vengeance.  As for No. 2, I've discovered that the answer is, well, kind of.  There are a lot of meaningless made-up brand names and slang terms used on the internet.  Unlike some of these, "blog" does actually describe something.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Weather and Weather Websites

Weather is one of the most important things that golf course superintendents have to keep an eye on.  I am often asked where I get my information, so I thought I would review my favorite weather websites here.