
Sunday, June 26, 2016

7 Tee Project Timelapse

December 15, 2015: Trench dug for drain pipe

December 16, 2015: Pipe installed. Backfilling begins.

April 16, 2016: Tilling and grading

May 9, 2016: Seed and blanket down

June 24, 2016: First mowing

Friday, June 24, 2016

7 Tee Cartpath

Serious progress made today on the renovations around the back tee on 7.  The crew spread moistened stabilized crushed granite in the forms and rolled it out.  It was a beautiful day for working outside.  Good work, Gary, Felix, Aaron, and Chase!

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Another new drain line

A couple weeks ago, we added a drainage pipe to connect an old drain line to the newer system.  The old drain line could have been connected when the newer line was put in, but I'm guessing the architect did not know the old system was there.  The connection should allow some areas of 7 fairway to drain more quickly as the perforated drain lines will be draining into a deeper basin instead of being full of water after a rain.  It should also reduce the puddles you can see in the pictures that were caused by the old drain line "daylighting," or emptying onto the surface.

Thanks to Elmhurst Park District for letting us borrow the backhoe.  We could not have done it otherwise.  A trencher would not have worked on some of the large chunks of concrete we ran into.  Some were so big, we just had to leave them there.  We ran into a complete slab of sidewalk at one point.  Luckily it was deep enough we could leave it there and still maintain our slope.